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Underwater pyramids discovered in the Atlantic Ocean near the Azores islands

In 2013, a colossal underwater pyramid was discovered near the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean. The pyramid measures 60 m high and its base has an area of ​​8,000 square meters. The pyramid was discovered by an amateur sailor, Diocletian Silva While he was fishing on his yacht in the Atlantic Ocean, between the island of Sao Miguel and the island of Terceira, a strange signal was intercepted by his radar and so he made the epochal discovery. Diocletian Silva considers his discovery to be a vestige of Atlantis. He also says that the pyramid is identical to those in Egypt, having a perfectly regular shape and oriented towards the cardinal points. After the discovery, the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute of the Navy tried to determine if the pyramid was made by man or is the product of natural phenomena. In October 2015, divers sent to explore the area detected two other pyramids much larger than the previous one, these having a height of 120 m in height and a base of 20,000 square meters.

Piri Reis map, an ancient mistery

In 1929, cleaning workers in Topkapi Palace, the harem of the last Turkish sultan, accidentally discovered a broken, dust-covered map.   At first glance, it represents the coasts of Africa, Spain and South America. On closer examination, the researchers concluded that navigators from an unknown civilization had discovered Antarctica thousands of years earlier and mapped the continent. The map was made in 1513 on gazelle skin, by a Turkish admiral, a former pirate named Piri Reis. The traces of the map were lost for 400 years, its discovery making a sensation at that time. Historians and cartographers alike first became interested in the inscription that showed that it had been drawn from the sketches of Christopher Columbus. It was said that a Genoese unbeliever named Christopher Columbus discovered those lands. The researchers assumed that the map was related to the famous lost map of Columbus, which represented the Antilles. The US and Turkish governments have tried in vain to find t

Giant ring dating 30 million years found in Bosnia

 Archaeologists have discovered in the Pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia a ring, of gigantic dimensions, with an age of over 30 million years.   An epochal discovery was made by archaeologists who explored the Great Pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia. It is a ring, extraordinarily large. The ring, made of solid iron, was subjected to laboratory analyzes, after which it was established that it is at least 30 million years old. Specialists claim that the ring, as well as other artifacts discovered in the pyramid, date from the era of the Pannonian Sea and belonged to a mysterious civilization. This civilization, as can be seen from the size of the artifacts, was one of giants. No defining aspect of this civilization is known, nor the moment when it appeared, nor its origin, nor how it disappeared. According to local legends, millions of years ago, on the current territory of Bosnia, there was a civilization of giants. They knew many secrets of technology and had high-performance aircraft. For unkno

Hundreds of metal spheres under pyramid in Mexico

Archaeologists have discovered hundreds of metal spheres buried under an ancient pyramid near Mexico City. Scientists have no idea what the mysterious balls were for. Jorge Zavala, an archaeologist at the National Institute of Anthropology and History in Mexico, described the discovery as "unprecedented." The spheres have been hidden for the last 1800 years in one of the most important pre-Hispanic temples in Mexico City, writes The city of Teotihuacan, just 45 kilometers from Mexico City, was once one of the largest cities in the world, with more than 100,000 inhabitants, at a time when only 200 million people lived on Earth. Its massive population makes it even more mysterious the total abandonment of the city in the year 700 of our era. The people of Teotihuacan knew very well that they would never return to the city, so before fleeing from it, they filled their much-loved temples with waste and garbage. Their level was so high that it took scientists only a f

Final resting place of Alexander the Great

 One of the versions regarding the location of the tomb of Alexander the Great mentions that the body of the great conqueror was deposited in a golden coffin, which was sent to Memphis, Egypt, and from there to Alexandria (city founded by Alexandru), where he lost track.   It was thought for a time that the sarcophagus of Alexander the Great was found in Sidon (Lebanon), because the warrior with a lion's helmet carved on one side looked very much like Alexander the Great. It was later discovered that this was, in fact, the coffin of the king of Sidon. However, the search did not stop there. In 2014, the tomb of a military commander allegedly contemporary with Alexander the Great was discovered in central Macedonia. Although some historians are convinced that these are the remains of Alexander, his place of rest is still sought.

Tomb of the Red Queen, Mexico

In 1994, archaeologists discovered a mortuary in Palenque (a Mayan city). They found here a coffin with the remains of a woman, covered in red dust. Several collections of pearls were also found inside, and a diadem had been placed around the skull. Pieces of what had once been a funeral mask were also found at the scene. According to researchers, the Red Queen was around 60 at the time of her death. This was an interesting finding, as power was usually inherited only by men. As far as was known until the date of this discovery, women were not honored to such an extent that they were buried with treasures such as those found in the Red Queen's coffin. Who was this woman and how much power was concentrated in her hands? It is unknown at this time ...

The lost city of the Kalahari desert in South Africa

  The great Canadian explorer Guillermo Farini described in a paper a mysterious city, discovered in the Kalahari Desert in 1885. The report was sent to the Royal Geographical Society in the United Kingdom, along with a collection of sketches and photographs, and Farini also published a book describing the findings in detail. Farini, one of the first Westerners to cross the Kalahari Desert, claimed that the city had been built in the shape of a circular arch, and some sections were buried in the sand at the time of the discovery of the ruins. Professor A. J. Clemente, who researched the images and history of the place, assumed that the city described in Farini's report was a simple agglomeration of natural rocks, which only resembled the walls of a human settlement. Since the report was published, at least 25 expeditions have been organized to the Kalahari, in the area indicated by Farini, but scientists have failed to locate the walls described by the Canadian explorer.